Keeping your expenses within budget, especially when travelling, is difficult. But, with the prevalence of mobile apps and social media, expenditure tracking and working within your bank balance has become easier.
Developers have designed a number of financial apps motivated to keep your buying spree in check. They also help you ground yourself from spending too much on lofty ideas while vacationing.
Here are some of the best budgeting apps available on the market today.
Trail Wallet works like an expense manager app that helps you organize your expenses with just a few screen taps. It allows users to create categories to group similar expenses and helps your actual usage versus your set budget.
One of the key features of Trail Wallet is that it allows users to choose local currency for tracking and the app will automatically convert it into your home currency to give you how much exactly you’re spending.
The free version allows users to track up to 25 items while the paid version lets users track unlimited items. It also has a colorful graphical breakdown of expenses for the visual user in you.
If you’re looking for a simple and easy-to-use expense manager app, Trabee Pocket is the one for you. You can easily categorize and label your budget for different trips and destinations. You can easily switch from the local currency to your home currency with ease.
The best feature of this app is that it allows users to separate cash and credit card purchases. This helps users easily track how much they spend on their credit cards and at the same time it helps them identify possible travel rewards.
Spent has the essential tracking feature of an expense manager app. Users can scan receipts, customize budget folders, link credit and banking accounts and a simple interface for easy use.
What sets it apart from the rest is the app’s cash back rewards program on purchases. Users can link their credit cards to the app and just swipe downloaded expense transactions to receive a cash back bonus when you eat at certain restaurants or shop at certain stores.
Unlike some apps, Trip Coin works offline. It is easy to use and quick to add new entries. Exchange rates are updated and back ups synced once connectivity is established.
Summary reports are available in both numerical and graphical formats. Reports can be shown by category, country, daily usage and more. All reports can be exported to Microsoft Excel, Open Office, Google spreadsheets or saved as report photos.
Expensify is primarily a business system to manage transactions and all money matters through real-time data updates. It automates the expense reporting process from receipt logging to finalizing payments and expense reports.
Your Expensify accounts can be integrated with your credit cards and when used on business trips, it allows tracking of expenses incurred and tracking miles traveled by using GPS technology.
The basic Expensify package is free and comes with 10 scans per month, unlimited receipt storage, and email and chat support. Corporate packages are also available at cost.